Hi, I’m Lydia.

In 2014, I had a terrible reaction to coconut oil that completely changed my life (and my skin) forever. 

The vibrant social butterfly I once was turned into a hermit, avoiding any form of social interaction.

I felt deep pain, shame, and anger towards myself that led to self-hatred and depression.

And with every new bump on my face, my confidence & self-esteem eroded, leaving me feeling unworthy on most days.

Little did I know, that I had been unintentionally neglecting a key component of my healing journey:
the inner work required to clear my skin.

My Story

Because my breakouts were caused by an external source (coconut oil), I thought using conventional acne treatments would do the job and clear up my skin in no time.

But when my skin continued to go through endless cycles of purging and scarring, I was left feeling confused and frustrated.

I felt powerless.

And this led to more stress ➡️ more acne ➡️ even more stress ➡️ even more acne.

It was a vicious cycle with no light at the end of the tunnel.

Acne completely debilitated me, and I couldn’t even do normal life things like going to the grocery store, going to work, exercising at the gym, or even hanging out with friends.

I had no idea what to do, how to manage all this pent up grief and sadness I was suppressing, and it felt impossible to picture myself being happy again.

I hated my life.

If I had known then that nurturing my mental and emotional well-being was just as important as finding the right products and treatments for my skin, it would have saved me a whole lot of suffering and misery.

I remember sitting in my room one day and asking myself:

‘Do I keep going down a depressive rabbit hole and let acne continue to ruin my life?

Or do I do something about it and get my life back?’

I started to focus on my inner healing.

I read every self-help book I could get my hands on.

I attended every self-development seminar I could enroll in.

And that was my entry point into life coaching.

For the first time, I realized something needed to change on the inside.

I could see so clearly how all this unprocessed self-hatred, anger and sadness needed to be addressed ASAP in order for me to experience true healing.

I started to see a way out.

Healing was no longer an option for me. It was a no-brainer.

Now, nearly a decade later and after hours and hours of my own coaching, therapy, yoga, seminars, and coaching hundreds of people from all around the world, I have gained profound insights into the transformative power of mindset work.

These insights sparked in me a deeper understanding of the intricate connection between how we feel on the inside and the ripple effect it has on our lives that would become the cornerstone of my approach to coaching and guiding others on this journey.

I left a successful career in HR to become a Certified Life Coach to dedicate myself to others who are hurting from the physical and emotional pain caused by acne.

My personalized 1:1 coaching program will take you on a transformative journey to heal your skin and your soul from the inside out.

Together, we’ll regain control of your life and skin by taking care of your mind and heart in a gentle, loving and empowering way.