Heal your skin and your soul

Picture a life where acne no longer has control over you, your mood, and your life.

Acne feels like a dark cloud looming over you that you can’t escape from.

It’s all-consuming, and you hate that it’s taking over your life.

You don’t feel like yourself… and the weight of shame, sadness and anxiety are out of control.

It’s utterly exhausting to feel this way every.single.day.

You ask yourself, 'Am I ever going to heal? Is there a way out of this?’

The most important thing you need to know is that:

Yes, it is possible for you to heal.

And yes, there is a way out of this.

But the truth is, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.”

If conventional acne treatments haven’t been working for you, perhaps it’s time for you to look inward and start addressing your acne problems at the root.

What’s happening on the inside matters.

And harnessing the power of your thoughts and emotions can transform your healing journey.


My 1:1 coaching program teaches you about the internal triggers and the ripple effects they have on your skin and your life.

I’ll give you the tools to harness the power of your thoughts and emotions in 3 simple steps, so you can regain control over your skin and your life, TODAY.

You will learn how to:

  • Reset your mindset

  • Rewrite your story

  • Reclaim your power

And start waking up in the morning with a peace of mind and confidence to break free from the weight & burden of acne.

The 3 simple steps of our transformative journey:

Reset your mindset

You will learn:

  • What your current narrative is and the impact it has on your skin

  • Why having this awareness is important

  • How your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk are slowing down your healing journey

  • What to do with these negative thoughts and the right way to reframe (shouting mantras in the mirror doesn’t work)

  • How to catch yourself in real-time before you start going down a negative spiral

  • How to use your mind like a remote control to foster healing and growth

Rewrite your story

You will learn:

  • What we were never taught about negative emotions

  • The real reason why you’re feeling embarrassed, sad, insecure, etc in the first place

  • What to do when these feelings come up on a daily basis

  • How to properly process through them without letting them debilitate you

  • How to create more of the feelings you want to feel (e.g. happy, confident, peaceful) on purpose even on “bad skin days”

  • What’s really stopping you from healing and the secret to unlocking that missing piece

Reclaim your power

You will learn:

  • How to keep your stress under control for the rest of your life

  • How to stop obsessing over your skin

  • Why you’re picking at your skin and how to stop doing it

  • How to redefine your relationship with acne where you get to be the one in control now

  • How to decide between the different treatment options that are available to you

  • What it’s like to cultivate a positive self-image now (vs. waiting for your skin to clear up) and why that’s critical

  • How to truly embody self-acceptance and self-love

What’s included in the 1:1 coaching package:

What clients are saying…

  • “For anyone struggling with acne, Lydia offers a personalised and tailored approach to how to process and unpack your personal situation. She is that friend who will be honest with you and hold you accountable but at the same time, hold a safe space for you, to grief with you and remind you that you are worthy. Lydia's advice is also practical and applicable to other aspects of life. As I reflect on the me now, and the me before having Lydia as a coach, I realised the progress that I have made with Lydia's help, especially being able to manage my emotions without the help of anti-depressants, which is a huge win. I am grateful for Lydia’s support throughout this journey.”

    — Priscilla C.

  • “It’s worth 100X the investment. This coaching impacted my life in so many positive ways. I cannot speak more highly of Lydia as someone who has perfected her craft and found her true passion. I now like physical attributes that I previously had negative thoughts about. My thought has completely changed around this, so my feelings are different. I now smile when I look in the mirror. I feel that I am a better husband, brother, and friend to the important people in my life.”

    — Brian B.

  • “I can honestly sum up my experience as 'mind-altering’. Once you go through the process, you understand the connection between the models you're learning and how they can be applied to altering how you perceive yourself with acne. Progress won't happen overnight, but in each session—and each day you consciously apply the tools—you will feel yourself shedding layers of the emotional weight that stems from having acne. It's a journey, and Lydia's there to gently guide you through the process and toward self acceptance. Thank you, Lydia!”

    — Jordanne H.

Imagine waking up every morning with a peace of mind and the confidence to face the world without the limitations of acne holding you back.

My coaching program will guide you on this transformative journey, helping you achieve the skin and life you've always wanted.

Come as you are, exactly where you are, and I’ll guide you through the rest.

Take the first courageous step and I’ll see you there.


  • If you found yourself going “that’s exactly what I’m going through right now!” as you were reading through my website, then yes, this program is for you!

  • What I don’t offer, is telling you which products to use and what to remove from your diet.

    I’m happy to do that based on the things that have worked for me in the past, but the truth is, if it were that simple with a one-size-fits-all solution, then nobody would be suffering from acne.

    We all know that it’s more complex than that. And since you’re here reading this now, I’m guessing that outside-in approach alone hasn’t worked for you in the past. And something is clearly missing in your treatment plan.

    What I offer is that missing link. Addressing the root of the problem, not just the symptom itself. We’re gonna go a layer deeper and explore what’s really going on on the inside (mind & heart) that might be contributing to how it’s manifesting on the outside.

  • The coaching program is 3 months of weekly 1:1 coaching.

  • Both therapy and life coaching can be powerful tools for self-development, helping you through some of the most challenging obstacles in your life. While therapists focus on the past and try to answer the question, “Why?”, life coaches focus on the future and dive into the question of “How?”

    Therapists focus on helping you heal from past traumas while life coaches take your current state as a neutral starting point, helping you take control of your life and create the future you desire.

  • Click on the link below to schedule a free consultation with me and we will explore how we can work together.