The top 3 mistakes in manifesting clear skin

The concept of manifesting has become super popular. You might have heard people talk about how they’ve manifested everything from their dream partners to successful businesses and more.

Today, we're going to explore how you can manifest acne-free, clear skin too.

We'll dive into the top three mistakes that people often make when manifesting clear skin and what you can do instead.

Mistake #1: Focusing solely on the end result

The most common mistake many people make when it comes to manifesting anything is fixating on the end result only.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just sit in your bedroom all day manifesting $1M in your bank account?

You visualize it every single day having this money. You work really hard at visualization for years and years. And voila! One day you wake up with $1M in your bank account.

….I wish.

Unfortunately, that’s not how manifestation works. That’s not how the world works.

In order for you to create the results you want in life, you must also take action.

Visualizing the end outcome alone is like sitting underneath an apple tree waiting for the apple to fall. What you’re missing is the part where you visualize yourself climbing the tree and grabbing the apple, and then actually doing it.

You must also visualize yourself taking the small, annoying, and often uncomfortable small steps along the way to you achieving clear skin, and following through with those actions.

Visualize yourself washing your face, following your skincare routine, driving over to another appointment at the dermatologist/aesthetician’s office, choosing not to overanalyze your face in the mirror, stepping out of the bathroom rather than picking at your skin for hours, working on your mindset with a therapist or coach, etc.

Incorporating these actions into your visualization helps activate the part in your brain that’s responsible for taking action, making it more likely for you to follow through.

Manifestation isn't about wishing for clear skin; it's about visualizing the path to achieving it and taking the necessary steps.

Mistake #2: Neglecting to embody the emotions.

Let’s do an exercise together. Close your eyes and visualize yourself with clear, acne-free skin. No more painful bumps that hurt to touch, no more pus oozing out of your pores, no more red marks that cover up your face.

How do you feel when you’re…

  • Walking out the door?

  • At brunch with friends?

  • Looking at the reflection of yourself in the mirror?

  • Out on a walk in nature?

I’m guessing it feels good. You feel happy, confident and comfortable in your own skin, right?

THIS is the kind of energy that you want to practice embodying. These positive emotions are essential for manifestation to work effectively.

The reason why shouting positive mantras like “I am beautiful.” “I love myself.” doesn’t work when you’re struggling with acne is because your brain needs to genuinely feel the emotions of confidence and self-love. And it’s hard to embody these emotions if you actually hate the reflection of yourself and think you need to fix your skin ASAP.

In order for the mantra or manifestation to work, you have to really feel it in your body.

Otherwise, it’s just words. It’s just fluff.

According to Joe Dispenza, when you’re truly present to mentally rehearsing something, “your brain does not know the difference between what’s going on out there and what’s going on in here.”

Make sure whatever you visualize and tell yourself is something you can FEEL in your body. If not, you need to start with something that feels more believable to your brain right now and slowly work your way up towards a bigger goal.

Mistake #3: Staying stuck in your old identity.

Despite doing everything “right”, if you’re still having trouble managing your acne, it’s important to ask yourself this question: “How might I be benefiting from staying stuck as an acne sufferer?”

This might sound strange, but there could be something that makes having acne a comfortable or safe space for you.

In order for you to truly heal your skin and be free from acne, you must first embody the identity of someone who’s ready to HAVE clear skin.

It’s a similar concept to why so many lottery winners go bankrupt. Why do they become broke when they have so much money? Because they haven’t expanded their capacity to become someone who can have that much wealth.

In the same way, you need to grow into the person who no longer identifies as an acne sufferer.

Start by adopting the mindset of someone who's ready for this transformation.

Ask yourself, "How would I act if I had clear skin right now?" Then, think, feel, and act like that version of yourself.

(Check out this post that goes into greater detail about shifting your identity to become the person who achieves clear skin.)

In conclusion, manifesting clear skin involves more than just visualizing the end result. It requires action, emotional embodiment, and a willingness to shed your old identity. By following these principles and staying committed to your journey, you too can make clear skin a reality.

Happy manifesting! 💓


When my skin clears up…


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