Is acne holding you back from living your life?

If you answered “yes” to this question, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret today.

What’s really holding you back is not acne itself.

Instead, it’s your fear around negative emotions.

Let me explain👇

Everything you do and don’t do in life is because of how you feel.

When you feel confident, you speak up in a meeting.

When you feel motivated, you go exercise.

When you feel angry, you slam the door.

When you feel nervous, you bite your nails.

How are you feeling these days on your journey with acne?

You might be feeling…

  • Embarrassed

  • Anxious

  • Insecure

  • Depressed

  • Hopeless

  • Angry

  • Vulnerable

  • Sad, etc etc.

And what do you do when you feel these come up? You might…

  • Cancel plans with friends

  • Skip the workout class

  • Hide at home and cry in your room

  • Spend hours on social media looking for a miracle solution

  • Close yourself off from the world

  • Make up excuses to not go on that trip, etc etc

You see, there is a cause & effect when it comes to acne and the quality of your life.

But the step in-between that most people miss is:

Acne -> [your feelings] -> how you live your life

There’s acne.

But acne itself can’t do anything to you.

Acne is acne.

It’s just there.

Just like the rain.

The rain itself can’t make you do anything.

Rain is rain.

It’s just there.

But maybe, there’s rain -> you feel lazy -> you choose to stay home and binge watch Netflix.

OR, there’s rain -> you feel sentimental -> you open up the windows and listen to the sound of rain.

There’s acne -> you feel embarrassed -> you cancel plans with friends.

OR there’s acne -> you feel hopeless -> you scroll through social media to look at other people’s before/after photos.

Do you see that?

Rain is just rain.

And acne is just acne.

Neither of them has the power to hold you back.

Acne in and of itself cannot hold you back from living your life.

But your feelings about acne certainly can.

Stay tuned for part 2.


Is acne holding you back from living your life? Part 2


Why you should stop repeating positive affirmations when you’re struggling with acne