Mirror talk

What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you look at yourself in the mirror?

For me, it used to be:

“Ew, you look disgusting.”

“Who’s gonna love you when that’s what you look like?”

“You’re so ugly.”

“I can’t even look at you. What’s wrong with your face?”

Pretty harsh, isn’t it?

Acne has this strange ability to make us our own worst critics. It becomes almost second nature to pin the blame on ourselves and indulge in self-loathing.

Why? Because it oddly feels productive.

When everything feels like it's spiraling out of control, that harsh inner voice seems like the one thing we can control. It's our way of coping, however twisted that may be.

But the kicker, the thing I wish I knew back then, is that this self-inflicted verbal barrage does more harm than good. It's like throwing gasoline on the acne fire.

Think about it:

Acne -> the self-berating dialogue -> more stress & anxiety -> more acne -> the negative self-talk on steroids -> rinse and repeat in a vicious cycle of acne.

Exhausting, right?😩

If your mirror-talk sounds similar to mine, I challenge you to break the cycle.


👉 Intervene the negative self-talk with a kindness practice. Not the rainbows and butterflies woo woo mantras, but the genuine, easily doable, bite-size pieces of self-kindness.

(Notice how I didn’t say “replace them with positive self-talk”? — that’s where most people get it wrong.)

Being kind to yourself is not an overnight miracle; it’s a practice you build up and nurture.

So, what’s the plan?

👉 Here are some ideas for you:

  • Put up a picture of your baby self on your mirror.

  • Give yourself permission to say no to certain plans.

  • Practice neutral affirmations and ditch the positive mantras.

  • Go on a walk in nature.

  • Seek support and guidance from a therapist or coach.

  • Move your body in a gentle yet challenging way (e.g. yoga, pilates).

  • Say yes to what fills you up.

  • Treat yourself with gentler products.

  • Enjoy the company of loved ones who make you feel alive.

  • Eat nutritious foods that nourish your mind body.

  • Journal and do a brain dump of what’s on your mind.

The outcome?

👉 Infusing kindness into your lifestyle can change everything:

✨Goodbye stress & anxiety, hello peace & calm. Cue a drop in cortisol & inflammation in your body.

✨You morph into your own biggest fan, full of empathy, compassion and patience for yourself.

✨You treat yourself like you would a friend you love and take care of your needs & skin.

✨Setbacks in your skin journey become speed bumps, not roadblocks. You're determined, unstoppable.

✨No more quick-fix solutions and aggressive products out of desperation; you're all in for holistic healing, embracing gentleness.

And there you have it—the secret to unlocking the missing piece to your healing journey.

The next time you look at yourself in the mirror, can you be a little more kinder to yourself? It's a small shift that could change the entire trajectory of your healing journey.


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