Stop asking these questions

People ask me all the time:

“How did you clear your skin?"

“What products did you use?”

“What was your exact skincare routine?”

While these questions are well-intentioned, they completely miss the mark in understanding the holistic journey toward clear skin.

In this post, I’ll be sharing with you why these seemingly innocent and straightforward questions are the wrong questions to ask, and reveal more powerful alternatives you can ask instead.

1. What worked for me may not work for you

The truth is, there’s no universal cure for acne. Our unique skin types, underlying root causes, genetic makeup, lifestyles, and overall well-being vary from person to person, and a mere set of steps won’t guarantee the same outcome for you.

2. There’s more to the puzzle

By focusing solely on skincare routines and product specifics, you're overlooking the deeper layers of change required to clear your skin. Yes, skincare products and external treatments are vital, but they’re only one piece of the puzzle. Clear skin isn't solely about what you put on your face; it's also about addressing deep-seated beliefs, fostering mindset shifts, managing stress and negative emotions, and cultivating emotional resilience. It's about more than just finding the right products; it's about evolving as a person too.

3. It’s not that simple

Let’s be real. If clearing acne was as simple as a step-by-step guide on what products to use and what to remove from your diet, everyone would have clear skin by now. But more is required of you than simply following a strict skincare regimen. It also involves changing your habits, self-care practices, and even your self-perception. How you talk to yourself, how you think and feel everyday, how you treat yourself during setbacks, and how you take care of yourself mentally and physically, hold tremendous power in your healing journey.

A basic "how" question can't possibly encapsulate the profound transformations that occur during this healing journey toward clear skin. Becoming the person who achieves clear skin requires an evolution that extends beyond a straightforward set of instructions.

Rather than fixating on the mechanics of “how”, here are some other questions you can ask that capture the nuances of a holistic healing journey:

  • Who did you have to become to get clear skin?

  • What mindset shifts did you make along the way?

  • How did you handle setbacks and challenges during your journey?

  • What habits and practices did you incorporate into your lifestyle that contributed to your healing?

  • How did you continue to love yourself even when it was difficult?

  • What did you need to believe about yourself and your ability to heal?

These questions are rooted in personal growth and a shift in identity.

Because what’s most important in this healing journey is WHO you need to become in order to achieve clear skin that’s different from who you are right now.

By asking these types of questions, you gain a more holistic understanding of the transformation process and the internal factors too, that contribute to lasting change.

In your journey toward clear skin, remember that the path isn’t linear, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

True healing requires more than outside-in solutions; it calls for you to take a deeper look at what’s going on on the inside too.

So start asking better questions and become the version of you who’s ready to embrace the journey to clear skin.


Mirror talk


Is acne holding you back from living your life? Part 2